There was no virus. Prove me wrong.

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Thank you for reading, Mark. I can't say I share your view, or your certainty, but I respect your right to come to your own conclusions, and I appreciate your comment.

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The “magic potion” wasn’t created for the “scary sickness”; A sickness scare was created to justify magic potions. The health scare industry created quackzines. Operation Warp Speed’s experimental mRNA murdering system. The vaccine roll-out is the biggest crime against humanity ever committed; and was done (in the USA) under the banner of “national security”. There were hundreds of military contracts relating to the vaccines; with no congressional, government or FDA oversight. Operation “Warp Speed” was run by the Department of Defence (the Pentagon); under the purview of the National Security Council (the Whitehouse). COVID came under the remit of biowarfare as a national security threat. The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) office responsible for the procurement and development of medical countermeasures against bioterrorism. The vaccines were a military “prototype counter measure” so did not fall under any regulation. There is no possibility, in the USA, to make any challenge in court with respect to vaccine injury or death. Pharmaceutical companies can’t be sued because they were directed by the Pentagon. There was no “Emergency Use Authorisation” (EUA); there was military authorisation. There were no meaningful “clinical trials”; no “FDA approval”; the jabs were never “safe and effective”; and no “informed consent” was required. All that was pure theatre for public consumption. The US government is shielded from liability, accountability and any legal fallout. The PREP Act provides legal immunity to anyone in the vaccine supply and distribution chain. They are considered employees of the DOD in a war-time situation. The military was involved behind the scenes in the logistics of the vaccine rollout; and take full responsibility for the manufacture of the vaccine “payload”. {UK Column} (January 2023). (* NATO enforced lockdowns during the “pandemic”. Sweden was not part of NATO at the time and their voluntary policy had less serious consequences than lockdowns).


Resilience is a CIA-DOD-affiliated bio-chemical weapons factory that makes active ingredients for all “mRNA vaccines”. Resilience is more important than Pfizer. Resilience makes all the mRNA shots, not Pfizer. Pfizer is a front laundromat. I wrote more than enough about Pfizer. Everyone wants to focus on Pfizer-Pfizer-Pfizer to get the attention away from the CIA-US Gov -Military whole of government nature of the kill operation. It's the US Government policy to poison everyone with "vaccines". It has been explicitly admitted to in court, most recently in Brook Jackson's case. {Latypova (January 2025)}


Endless internet fights about “virus not isolated” are a distraction because pandemics are a political decision. Scientific argument is completely irrelevant i.e. whether “viruses” as physically and chemically undefined, invisible, non-isolatable, transmissible, allegedly disease-causing particles of matter even exist. And diagnostic tests which cannot be validated because the alleged causative agent pathogens cannot be identified or isolated. Thus, filing a thousand FOIA requests asking the CDC for proof of a virus is a waste of time.

In the USA, regulatory amendments have been made over time to build up layers of obscuring language; to keep the knowledge that the quarantine and vaccination programs are based on falsified scientific conclusions away from the public targeted for systematic poisoning through vaccines. "Pandemic viruses" are declared by presidential executive order (EO) and require no science whatsoever. No virus needs to exist at all! Diseases become classified as "quarantinable communicable diseases" by EO. Pandemic illness is defined by EO as basically fever and cough (or blisters for mpox) that in the sole opinion of one CDC employee can potentially be world ending. As long as they think that and assert it in writing, no proof is necessary.

By statute a “public health emergency” is presumed to exist upon HHS secretary declarations and determinations, which require no demonstration of any objectively measurable criteria; and the emergency status cannot be terminated by anyone other than the HHS secretary. Congress intends to block all law-based attempts to exit the legal kill box. The Prep Act and EUA law are the wall of the legal kill box. There is collective presumed guilt, that covers quarantine of individuals without individual medical assessments as to exposure, risk, etc. {Latypova}

Evidence provided by public health officers, in the USA, to declare "health emergencies" can - legally - be fabricated and false. Quarantine death camps (concentration camps for the unvaccinated) have been built in a lot of places worldwide. Detention and forced vaccination can be carried out without any evidence that a pathogen has been transmitted or caused a disease; and without evidence that the detained subjects have the alleged pathogen. {Ana Maria Michalcea, MD, PhD}

The authorities don't give a monkeys (pun intended) as to whether the "virus" is real or not. They just want to force people to get "vaccinated" or send them to the death camps.

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