If, as the first judge said, by acquitting him, she was proving him wrong in his assessment of Germany as a nascent totalitarian state, then the government appealing the verdict was proving him right.
At the moment I would not put too much hope in the Federal Constitutional Court!
I already filed a constitutional complaint for freedom of expression in 2022, which has still not been decided after 28 months!
They are simply postponing the decision, they do not want to decide!
I was convicted with a written statement of reasons that violated the constitution and was confirmed by the Bavarian Higher Regional Court because I had forwarded a satirical cartoon on Facebook.
In addition, you should take a close look at who the President of the Federal Constitutional Court is and who installed him in this important position.
During the Corona period, they have suspended the Basic Law in several places and have proven themselves to be compliant accomplices to the government's 'Ermächtigungsgesetz' ('enabling act')- policy.
Alas CJ, you came to a country, that would not judge Werner Naumann or any of his coconspirators, like Eberhard Taubert, who was given a job by the then defense minister Franz Josef Strauss to built and run the office for Psychological Warfare for the new "Wehrmacht"... sorry ...of course I mean Bundeswehr. Taubert was also recommended by the Adolf Heusinger who planned Operation Barbarossa, the War of Nazi-Germany against Russia., to do the same for NATO. At a time when Adolf Heusinger was chairman of the NATO Military Committee. It was the same Taubert who wrote "The Eternal Jew" under Goebbels, who suggested the yellow badge or jewisch badge (Judenstern) to wear on their arms. The Taubert who sat as a judge to sentence political dissidents against the Nazi Reich at the infamous People's Court (Volksgericht).
The laws in Germany against the display of Nazi affiliated insignia are farcical. Most of the high ranking fascist have long ago figured out to work hidden, going along with the Organisation Gehlen/BND/CIA, the British Secret Services, the Italian and the Spanish, French, Dutch, Belgian, etc., as long as their ultimate target is as Karl Doenitz pleaded with them: "go along with western powers, for ... only through working with them that we can have hopes of later retrieving our land from the Russians.".
And you may have noticed, Germany is again at odds with Russia.
It is amazing that this day and age people/institutions can still hide behind words and construe what is actually happening. He should sue them back and claim to be paid back for the damage done to his income and reputation. He is a human with a lot to loose against an institution that suffers no personal damage/punishment. That doesn’t sound fair in the first place. He should consider presenting his case to the whole Europe, the European Court.
The bottomless resources of the State are a major issue, for sure, as is the surprising ability of the public prosecutor to appeal an acquittal. I'm not a lawyer, but everyone I've spoken to has been surprised at that legal ability. Usually it's the Defendant who can appeal after a loss, but not the State.
Excellent! A great read. A compelling and well written account of injustice in a German court of law dealing with the conflict between the legal versus the illegal use of the “Swastika” as a symbol-in this case as part of a cover for a published book. This surely fits the theme “dystopia”. The case will now go to the German High Court.
Thank you for sharing. The story is still developing. I'm not sure of the latest regarding CJ's appeal to the Constitutional Court. I can drop you a DM when I know more.
Anyone who actively follows how the freedom of speech guaranteed by the constitution is currently being undermined by the installation of reporting portals a la REspect and the so-called 'trusted flaggers' can only be depressed to see that freedom of speech now will be abolished.
A great write-up of these criminal proceedings. There's no end to the gutless, disgusting, comfort-addicted types who fill up law courts and parliaments and not nearly enough of the type who exhibit CJ's bravery. Be nice if his sort of behaviour became just a little more infectious now the rot is obvious to anyone who cares to see. It's beyond time for the tide to turn. All best wishes to CJ in this case. May sanity and bravery somehow manage to prevail in a stupid, bought country that swallows all the lessons it once learned.
If, as the first judge said, by acquitting him, she was proving him wrong in his assessment of Germany as a nascent totalitarian state, then the government appealing the verdict was proving him right.
It would certainly be reasonable to make that inference.
An example of ideology overwhelming jurisprudence— a preview for Americans, a sound of glass breaking in the night for Germany.
At the moment I would not put too much hope in the Federal Constitutional Court!
I already filed a constitutional complaint for freedom of expression in 2022, which has still not been decided after 28 months!
They are simply postponing the decision, they do not want to decide!
I was convicted with a written statement of reasons that violated the constitution and was confirmed by the Bavarian Higher Regional Court because I had forwarded a satirical cartoon on Facebook.
In addition, you should take a close look at who the President of the Federal Constitutional Court is and who installed him in this important position.
During the Corona period, they have suspended the Basic Law in several places and have proven themselves to be compliant accomplices to the government's 'Ermächtigungsgesetz' ('enabling act')- policy.
Beautifully written but...
Come on, people. Don't be Kohlhaases.
It's not worth it.
Alas CJ, you came to a country, that would not judge Werner Naumann or any of his coconspirators, like Eberhard Taubert, who was given a job by the then defense minister Franz Josef Strauss to built and run the office for Psychological Warfare for the new "Wehrmacht"... sorry ...of course I mean Bundeswehr. Taubert was also recommended by the Adolf Heusinger who planned Operation Barbarossa, the War of Nazi-Germany against Russia., to do the same for NATO. At a time when Adolf Heusinger was chairman of the NATO Military Committee. It was the same Taubert who wrote "The Eternal Jew" under Goebbels, who suggested the yellow badge or jewisch badge (Judenstern) to wear on their arms. The Taubert who sat as a judge to sentence political dissidents against the Nazi Reich at the infamous People's Court (Volksgericht).
The laws in Germany against the display of Nazi affiliated insignia are farcical. Most of the high ranking fascist have long ago figured out to work hidden, going along with the Organisation Gehlen/BND/CIA, the British Secret Services, the Italian and the Spanish, French, Dutch, Belgian, etc., as long as their ultimate target is as Karl Doenitz pleaded with them: "go along with western powers, for ... only through working with them that we can have hopes of later retrieving our land from the Russians.".
And you may have noticed, Germany is again at odds with Russia.
It is amazing that this day and age people/institutions can still hide behind words and construe what is actually happening. He should sue them back and claim to be paid back for the damage done to his income and reputation. He is a human with a lot to loose against an institution that suffers no personal damage/punishment. That doesn’t sound fair in the first place. He should consider presenting his case to the whole Europe, the European Court.
The bottomless resources of the State are a major issue, for sure, as is the surprising ability of the public prosecutor to appeal an acquittal. I'm not a lawyer, but everyone I've spoken to has been surprised at that legal ability. Usually it's the Defendant who can appeal after a loss, but not the State.
Excellent! A great read. A compelling and well written account of injustice in a German court of law dealing with the conflict between the legal versus the illegal use of the “Swastika” as a symbol-in this case as part of a cover for a published book. This surely fits the theme “dystopia”. The case will now go to the German High Court.
Thanks for the Update in October. What has happened since? we linked to this article on page 1 here: https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csnews-week-45-february-4-2025-vol
Thank you for sharing. The story is still developing. I'm not sure of the latest regarding CJ's appeal to the Constitutional Court. I can drop you a DM when I know more.
Anyone who actively follows how the freedom of speech guaranteed by the constitution is currently being undermined by the installation of reporting portals a la REspect and the so-called 'trusted flaggers' can only be depressed to see that freedom of speech now will be abolished.
The next massive step into the New Normal Reich!
A great write-up of these criminal proceedings. There's no end to the gutless, disgusting, comfort-addicted types who fill up law courts and parliaments and not nearly enough of the type who exhibit CJ's bravery. Be nice if his sort of behaviour became just a little more infectious now the rot is obvious to anyone who cares to see. It's beyond time for the tide to turn. All best wishes to CJ in this case. May sanity and bravery somehow manage to prevail in a stupid, bought country that swallows all the lessons it once learned.
"Common sense is now so rare, having it is like having a superpower."
Dave Ramsey, 2022