Well done Helen. You put your points across very well. He was incredibly polite but I didn't think he was with you.

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Thank you! I always expect a challenge in these conversations, and I welcome it. My opinions are my own, but I also respect that not everyone will agree. We won’t win everyone over, but if we can start a conversation, that’s a step toward finding real solutions.

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Sadly too many people complain about the higher cost of real food compared to food like products. What they don't do is cost cancer, diabetes, obesity and dementia.

I suspect the answer is yes but have you read the book Ultra Processed People by Dr Chris Van Tulloken?

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I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve been to many discussions on ultra-processed food—its history, impact, and the hidden costs we all pay.

Ben Wilson summed it up perfectly in one of our Farms Not Factories videos: “The cheap meat and food we’re producing is incredibly expensive. We’re not paying for it at the supermarket, but through soil degradation and our own health.”

It’s frustrating how the real cost of food is ignored in favour of short-term savings. Cheap food isn’t cheap—it just shifts the bill elsewhere.

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