Jan 20Liked by Mike Freedman

I've listened to this ep today and OMG I'm shocked, shocked by the rampant level of Nazi Problem. So much Nazi Problem! I can't even with the Nazi Problem. Did I mention the Nazi Problem? I'm following both of these characters right now so I can stay abreast of all the Nazi Problem.

No, really now: it was an amazing, amazing episode.

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Hi Mike, is there a transcript available? I didn’t see a link when I skimmed but I may have missed it -- looking forward to checking out the convo!

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What a great discussion. I was completely engrossed in the topics presented and look forward to listening to more of this podcast in the future. Elle is an inspiring figure and wonderful writer. Always interesting to hear such nuanced perspectives like this. Great work, you two!

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Just a note: I was wrong about Hitler's party being elected, he was appointed and the won the chancellorship by default. Please amend my bad history!

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"And if we're going to argue that the founders of a company shouldn't promote hate content, well, yeah, that's a great bar, but then what is Elon Musk doing and why is that okay?" - Elle Griffin.

What a brilliant point! It's not like anyone's been criticizing Elon.

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I get why @ellegriffin loves substack. There's so much to love here. But I don't understand why she wants substack to monetize nazi newsletters at the risk of destroying the platform that we all love.

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You have no idea of history of you think that Hitler or got elected. In the last free election in Germany, the NSDAP got close to 33 percent of the votes.

(also you're far too much black and white for wanting to not be black and white).

Oh, and how is former Twitter now disinfecting Nazis?

How can in a country, where a woman who couldn't get health care she needed while having a miscarriage can get arrested, miscarriage be seen anything but a trauma.

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